As a non-profit organization, the New Church of Boston relies on donations, and we also honor the freedom of members and friends to give according to their hearts and abilities. Whatever you give, we want you to feel assured that your gift will be used responsibly in the service of the Lord and His New Church on earth. Please let us know your questions or preferences.
We are eager to serve and especially to help make the teachings of the New Church more accessible to the world. We invite you to help accomplish our mission!
Thank you for all you do to maintain and to improve the vitality of the church!
Ways to give:
Click on this PayPal link to open a page where you make a donation using a credit card or your PayPal account. You can also set up a recurring donation.
Note that the formal organizational name of our local church is "the Boston Society of the General Church of the New Jerusalem." Informally, we go by "the New Church of Boston." The formal name is because our local church is part of the larger denomination known as the General Church of the New Jerusalem, headquartered in Bryn Athyn, Pennsylvania.
Our current, secure mailing address (updated on July 1, 2022) is:
New Church of Boston
PO Box 447
Concord, MA 01742
Please make your checks payable to "New Church of Boston."
We can provide you with a box of 52 envelopes, one for each week of the year, each with your unique number. This gives you the opportunity to contribute regularly. Your donations in cash or by check will receive a tax receipt after year-end.
With your authorization, we will make an automatic monthly deduction in the amount you choose from your bank account.
Many types of alternative gifts are welcome, but each such alternative gift must be authorized by our treasurer before proceeding with your donation. Examples would be shares of stock, real estate, life insurance proceeds, making the church a beneficiary of will, etc. Contact us for details.