
We welcome you to any of our worship services - either in person or online

The goals of our worship services are to gather with others to humble ourselves before the Lord, to build a sense of community in that effort, to raise our minds above daily distractions, to learn from the Lord's Word, to pray together, and to lift our voices in singing. We worship twice a month in person and online. Currently we are looking for a new public rental location since our friends at Congregation B'nai Torah in Sudbury, Massachusetts had to close their doors and sell their building. Please check our schedule before attending.
Questions? Email newchurchboston@gmail.com for more information.

New Church of Boston is a congregation of the New Church, a New Christianity based on the Bible and the writings of Emanuel Swedenborg. We teach God's timeless message with renewed clarity and application to our personal spiritual development. We're here to help people discover and nurture healthy relationships with the one loving God. We firmly believe that what God wants for us, as Christians and as human beings, is to lead loving, wise, and useful lives.

Whether you're looking for a warm church community or seeking a more meaningful spiritual practice, we open our doors to you. We're glad that your spiritual journey has led you here, and we look forward to meeting you in whatever ways we can - in person or online.

Sunday worship.
Check out these features of our regular Sunday gatherings.


Even if you're unable to make it to our building, you can still worship with us—all our services are livestreamed.

Special Services

Learn how we celebrate baptisms, Holy Supper, weddings, and more.